make a fuss about的用法与搭配
1. 小题大作
2. 大惊小怪
- There is nothing to make a fuss about .
- 没有什么值得大惊小怪的。
- Don 't make a fuss about such trifles .
- 不要为区区小事而大惊小怪。
- Please don 't make a fuss about such a small thing .
- 请别为这点儿小事大惊小怪的。
- Small earthquakes are so common here that people never make a fuss about it .
- 这里小地震是常见的事,人们并不为此而大惊小怪。
- You should not make a fuss about such a simple matter .
- 你不该对这么小的事大惊小怪。
- You fellows always make a fuss about that sort of thing .
- 你们这些人对那种事总是大惊小怪.
- This house can only make a fuss about the details .
- 这种房子只能在细节上做文章了。
- She will never make a fuss about trifles .
- 她决不会在小事上大吵大闹。
- Fussy1 . I 'm not fussy . 2 . He 's a finicky eater3.why should we make a fuss about it ?
- 吹毛求疵1.我不挑剔.2.他很挑嘴.3.我们何必为它小题大作呢?
- In public the americans make a fuss about human rights and corruption .
- 在公开场合,美国人对人权和腐败问题深感担忧。